Our most recent social enterprise, Urban Block, provides students with the opportunity to study and engage in sustainable garden practices. They work in this enterprise to achieve various learning outcomes from their senior studies and prepare for employment or further study in the horticulture industry. As part of the Urban Block program, students grow seasonal organic produce for Tradeblock Café and the wider local community, as well as maintaining a college-wide composting system, worm farm and beehive.

In 2024 the Urban Block program expanded beyond Senior Years to include Middle Years, who participate in garden programs linked to their science curriculum, and Primary Years, who engage in kitchen garden activities.

See students develop the garden by following Urban Block on Instagram @urbanblockvcd

Gardening Australia: VCD's Partnership with Cultivating Community

VCD has developed a partnership with Cultivating Community. Students are able to develop work readiness and horticulture skills through work experience/work placements, with opportunities to move into paid employment opportunities!
Click here to view the story from ABC’s Gardening Australia and read the transcript.